The Five Other Types of Facebookers

The Five Other Types of Facebookers

A few months ago, I wrote about five different kinds of people you find on Facebook. Many of your comments and messages gave suggestions for other types of Facebookers you have run into on the interwebs – so, without further ado, I present to you the Five Other Types of Facebookers: Read more

Josh-to-English Dictionary

Josh-to-English Dictionary

I have a confession: I have no idea what kids are saying, like, 99% of the time. Even older kids. I pay attention and concentrate really hard, but usually I just wind up nodding and smiling and hoping I didn’t just give a kindergartner permission to cut her own bangs (don’t worry, that hasn’t happened yet).

The one child I do understand is my two-year-old son, Joshua. It takes a little bit of guessing sometimes, but usually I can figure out what he means. However, out of sympathy to those who suffer from my affliction and have no idea what he is talking about, I present to you the Official Josh-to-English Dictionary, Copyright 2015. Read more

Let’s talk about Mickey Mouse

Let’s talk about Mickey Mouse

If you have children, you have likely seen an episode (or sixty thousand) of The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. You have my sympathies. If you have no children/have blocked out the horror of Disney Junior, let me sum it up for you: Mickey Mouse and all his BFFs hang out in a clubhouse and await the opportunity to host parties, solve crimes, and shame those who struggle with shapes.

My kids don’t watch a ton of TV (not because I think it will make them serial killers…usually it’s because we can’t find the remote), but recently my son has been really into Mickey Mouse. He asks for “Mau” all. day. long. And when Mau comes on the screen, suddenly Josh will willingly eat his lunch, do physical therapy exercises, and even practice new words we learn from Mickey. So the clubhouse gang makes a frequent appearance these days, all in the name of education and other important stuff. And as I have watched countless episodes, I have started to notice a pattern:

Mickey Mouse is kind of a jerk. Read more