Tales of a Self-Checkout Cashier

Tales of a Self-Checkout Cashier

Recently, I had the opportunity to try my hand at a different type of job. It wasn’t in the marketing field, nor did it have anything to do with me learning hand motions to songs for preschoolers, like my other jobs. No, this was a horse of a different color:

I became the cashier at the self-checkout station in my local grocery store.

That sounds a little oxymoronic, I realize, because the whole point of self checkout is to avoid cashiers (don’t pretend you use it for other reasons). But the self-checkout cashier is in charge of checking IDs, helping with customer questions, and managing the general shenanigans that take place at the good ol’ SCO (self checkout). My three months of service have offered me some incredible insights, insights that I now want to share with you, in the hope that they may aid your next adventure into your local grocery store.

So, without further ado: 21 Things You Should Know About the Self-Checkout Stations

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